Turns out that I CAN sew and got another blog award!

I tried posting this last week, but there were some technical difficulties. 
Let’s start out with my new blog award.  Soon after I posted the other one, I received one called the KreativBlogger Award!
kreativ_bloggerIsn’t that just a pretty award?  😀  Brenda Myers nominated me for it. 

Here’s what I have to do:  The rules of this award are to list seven things I love and then pass it on to another seven KreativBloggers.
OK, here are seven things I love:
1) Yarn
2) Knitting Looms
3) Knitting needles
4) Crochet hooks
5) Reading
6) Singing
7) Watching my children grow and become their own individuals with their own creativity.

The seven bloggers that I nominate to receive this award:
1) GuppyGirl
2) GettinItPegged
3) PurlingSprite
4) Knitting Without Needles
5) Knitting Muse
6) Cre8tive KJ’s Corner
7) Looms, Boards, and Graciela

Now, onto what I did last week.  I sewed.  I sewed my very first project with a sewing machine for the very first time….and I made up the pattern on my own!  Here is my machine that I have been too terrified to touch for months:
001_renamed_26166It’s really not so scary when you actually sit down and watch the video tape that came with it to show how to work it.  😛  I really do like it now.  We aren’t exactly inseperable, but I am confident enough to have made myself a Bible cover without following any pattern.  I sat down and measured my Bible, then applied those measurements to make the flaps that hold my Bible in place, then made an outer cover with a pocket.  It also has handles on it.  The kids liked it so much that they sorta wanted to steal it.  And my MIL who is an experienced seamstress (is that the word?) her whole life, PLUS she works in a factory that sews clothes, was very proud of me.  😀
Here is Sir Thade posing with the finished Bible cover (I told you they wanted to steal it!):
002_renamed_78251Please don’t pay attention to the crappy linoleum.  It’s gonna get replaced…….eventually.  😦

And a close up of the pocket (has two snaps stitched to the inside of the flap:003_renamed_16721

And a pic of the inside flap (that could have been made a tad bit wider, but I’m still proud of the whole thing.  :D):

I’ve been awarded!

I have just received my first ever award.  I’m flattered.  😀  I was nominated by Tiffany.
proximidadeaward_thumbThis is what the award means:
“This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”

And this is why Tiffany nominated me:
Robin at Rockin’ the Loom https://rockintheloom.wordpress.com/ She has all kinds of great info on looming and she’s a nice person to email with. She teaches classes on loom knitting and makes everything seem so easy!

How incredibly sweet!  I’m very honored….REALLY!

So, I am passing along this lovely award to a few of my friends that came to mind as I read the description of the award.
1.)  Jenny Stark at GuppyGirl .  I don’t nominate her because she is my best friend, but I nominate her because she has a pretty cool blog and isn’t in it for the popularity.  She sometimes blogs about food, her 4 kids, looming, embroidery, crochet….all kinds of cool stuff.  And she is such a sweet and friendly person (if not quiet most of the time.)  😀
2.)  Bethany Daily at Gettin’ It Pegged .  Ever since I first ran across Bethany’s blog, I thought it was special and unique.  She keeps it so clean and pretty and blogs about life as much as she blogs about other stuff.  She has taught me a lot and has the same kind of loving patience that I try to instill in my own life.  Bethany is another one of those incredibly sweet people, and her daughters are following in her footsteps, and that makes her a great mom as well. 
3.)  Brenda Myers at LoomLore .  Brenda is a very busy grandma!  But she still has time to make the cutest quickie projects and her patterns are always very clear and easy to read.  She developed the ‘drawstring cast on’ for the looms and it is a very useful technique that I have used a lot.  🙂  Brenda may not have much time to blog like she used to, since her granddaughter moved in, but she still helps out others when she can.  She’s pretty special!

Besides this award, I wanted to blog about Mondays.  I know it is Monday, not because yesterday was Sunday and I was at church, not because the weekend is over and a new week has begun.  No….I know it is Monday because I am up early, have all my e-mail read and answered, drank one cup of coffee (at least, sometimes 2), and have my LKNB-Class lesson and sometimes exercises posted on both the group and the blog before 7am.  I’m a little tired, but I’ll hopefully get a nap in the afternoon to refuel. 
The kids don’t look so hot and we all feel a bit icky.  Add that it looks gloomy and blustery outside, that yesterday it almost hit 80*, but today we could see lows in the mid-20’s and possibly snow showers….it makes for a day where you just want to huddle in a quilt with a cup of something warm in your hands all day and veg out on the couch. 
What makes that hard is that it is also ‘Weekly Home Blessing’ day.  That is a FlyLady thing, in case you are confused.  It means that I take an hour and spend 10 minutes running around washing windows, then dusting, then vacuuming, then sweeping, then mopping….  I think you get it by now.  I just don’t feel like it today.  And I didn’t feel like doing dishes all weekend long, obviously.  So, I need to do dishes, too.  Did you know that when your dishes are overflowing your sink, across your countertop and onto your stove top, that spending 15 minutes at a time on them, isn’t that bad?  I’ll set the timer for 15 minutes and wash dishes.  When the timer goes off, I walk away for about 30 minutes, come back, run some more hot water in the sink to warm up the water that is in there, and reset my timer for 15 minutes and go at it again.  😀  Not so bad.

OK, I gotta go…..hungry children might decide to make their own breakfast and that could be disastrous!